Welcome to the

ensemble XXI. jahrhundert​


Das ensemble XXI. jahrhundert the soloist-ensemble, founded by Peter Burwik in 1971, guarantees the highest standards associated with ‘Viennese musical culture’ worldwide. Its aim is to make music of the 20th century known and to support contemporary creative work in the 21st century. For that purpose, several domestic and foreign composers have been and continue to be commissioned.

Next to the repertoire of the 2nd Viennese school – a permanent focus of the ensemble – its aesthetic range reaches from representatives of classical modernity to significant exponents of innovative contemporary music. Artists such as Steve Reich, Vinko Globokar, Morton Feldman, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Kaija Saariaho or Emanuel Nunes have been presented to the Viennese audience in portrait-concerts for the first time.

Upcoming Concert

Montag, 23. September 2024, 19.30 Uhr
Wiener Konzerthaus | Berio-Saal


Dai Fujikura: Koto-Konzert für Koto und Ensemble (2020, österreichische Erstaufführung)

Hikaru Sawai: Yonigaeru (1971, österreichische Erstaufführung)

Tanja Elisa Glinsner: Hawah für Ensemble (2024, Uraufführung, Auftragswerk des EXXI)

Alexander Kaiser: Invalid_Target_Buffer_Overflow for solo Posaune und Ensemble (2024, Uraufführung, Auftragswerk des EXXI)

Concerts 2020

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Peter Burwik

Artistic Director

Austrian conductor, born in Hamburg / Germany, studied conducting with legendary teacher Hans Swarowsky, a student of Arnold Schönberg and Anton Webern, at the Vienna Music Academy.

Peter Burwik

Ensemble Members