Die österreichische Flötistin Birgit Ramsl genießt eine rege Karriere als Solistin, Kammermusikerin und Orchestermusikerin. Seit 2004 ist sie Soloflötistin des Orchesters der Volksoper Wien und hat sich seither als eine der vielseitigsten Persönlichkeiten in der Musikszene Österreichs etabliert.
Young prize winner of numerous national and international competitions („Gradus ad Parnassum“ 2000, „Mozartpreis Wiesbaden“ 2004, International Flute competition „Jean-Pierre Rampal“ 2005), Birgit has been invited to perform all major flute concertos with orchestras such as the Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, the Camerata Hamburg, the Tokyo Chamber Orchestra, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra Baroque Ensemble, the Tonkünstler-Orchestra Niederösterreich among others.
Recent highlights include soloist appearances with her orchestra at the Suntory Hall and Seoul Arts Center, solo recitals at the Tokyo Opera City Hall and chamber music concerts with Vadim Gluzman and the Vienna Chamber Orchestra at the Wiener Konzerthaus.
Her intense activity as a soloist and chamber musician led her to various well-known festivals all over the world: Salzburger Festspiele, the Festival Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the Richard Strauss Festival Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the Festival Latinoamericano de Música Caracas, the Carinthian Summer Music Festival, the Lisztfestival Raiding, the Attersee-Klassik Festival, the Rheingau Musik Sommer and at the New Music Week Shanghai.
Born in Krems/Donau, Birgit graduated with honors at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with Wolfgang Schulz and Barbara Gisler-Haase and completed a Master Class program under András Adorján at the Hochschule of Music and Theater Munich. She received important influences from Aurèle Nicolet, Emmanuel Pahud, Pierre Yves-Artaud, Michael Martin Kofler and Janos Bálint.